Medical Negligence

If you’ve suffered as a result of medical negligence you may be entitled to compensation. We know how to make a positive difference to your life.

Our experienced medical negligence solicitors will take the time to understand what you’re going through, helping you get the answers and compensation you deserve.

What Is Medical Negligence?

Medical Negligence is when a medical professional makes a mistake or fails in their duty of care to you, leading to injury to exacerbating an existing condition. Misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment, even surgical mistakes are all examples of medical negligence.  

How Do You Make A Medical Negligence Claim?

Contacting us is the first step.

The earlier you get in touch the better as this allows us to start work on your case while the details are still fresh in your mind. From there our team can advise on the best course of action and whether or not we think you have a case. We can also give you an idea of how much compensation you may be able to claim.

What Are The Time Limits For Making A Claim?

Any medical negligence claim needs to be made  within three years of finding out that you’ve received negligent treatment. However, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule:

  • Children – medical negligence claims involving a child can be made any time before your child turns 18. On your child’s 18th birthday the three year rule comes into effect, so a claim needs to be started before they turn 21.
  • Mental Capacity – if a person lacks the capacity to make a claim themselves, there's no time limit for making a claim.

How Long Will My Claim Take?

How long your claim will take depends on a number of factors. Including the severity of your injury and whether the healthcare provider accepts fault. While we aim to settle medical negligence claims as soon as possible, more complicated cases can take a few years to settle.

If you have any questions about Medical Negligence don’t hesitate to call us on 01707 244710 to speak to a friendly member of our team.

Make an Enquiry

If you would like to find out more or to make an appointment please contact us.